Musketeer Football > Football Funding
Fan T-shirt design contest
Send in your ideas for a 2008 T-shirt for a chance to win FREE ADMISSION for you and a guest to our home games. Send ideas to
Just a thought:
For those of us who have been with club football from the start, it bears worth remembering that the club program remeains in its infancy. For a good many people (including people within the Xavier community), Xavier and football does not go together. For that reason, I would recommend keeping the tee-shirt design rather simple. The club football hats are nicely done. The most identifiable aspect of football )outside a football itself) is the helmet. Xavier's current helmet is classy; and I think a tee-shirt with the helmet logo with a "Xavier" on top and "Football" below would be simple and to the point. Xavier still has to be associated with football in a great many minds.
Any comments?
--- Quote from: nickgyp on June 30, 2008, 03:05:40 PM ---Just a thought:
For those of us who have been with club football from the start, it bears worth remembering that the club program remeains in its infancy. For a good many people (including people within the Xavier community), Xavier and football does not go together. For that reason, I would recommend keeping the tee-shirt design rather simple. The club football hats are nicely done. The most identifiable aspect of football )outside a football itself) is the helmet. Xavier's current helmet is classy; and I think a tee-shirt with the helmet logo with a "Xavier" on top and "Football" below would be simple and to the point. Xavier still has to be associated with football in a great many minds.
Any comments?
--- End quote ---
I think that sounds like a great idea for a simple yet classy looking T-shirt Nick.
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