Musketeer Football > Smack Talk
Bring your game!!!
All I know is that XU better bring their game... because THE MOUNT is comin to whoop some ass... look out for me in the middle of that killer defense!
Whoop some ass? Geez, is it always about poundin' someone? Not very ecumenical sounding to me. What are they teaching in your theology classes anyway?
Muskies will bring game for sure and they will play tough and determined football.
The Mount is comin' to whoop some ...??
Gee, isn't this a HOME game for the athletes out there in Delhi? Which would mean that it is the Musketeers who are coming to ... bring their game...
My number has changed to 61, just to let you know. And I guess the reason I said we were comin to whoop some ass... is because we have to wear our away jerseys because all you have are blue ones. And yes football is ALWAYS about poundin someone... I guess your team is so bad that you have to pick on how I say things instead of saying something back that really means something
61...I am shocked that you have the time to find this little forum and write the things that you've been writing. This is a Club football team in its first year...and you Mr. Hot $#%& in the middle of the D are playing JV at a D-III school. Congrats. Wow does that make me and your mama proud. XU is ready, they are gonna come to play in our Blue Jerseys, and if you win you win, but I wouldn't overestimate a team like you are. Anyway, good luck and I'll be looking forward to watching you back up all this bull$#%& you are saying on Thursday night.
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