Musketeer Football > Forum Announcements

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Hard to believe but it has been 13 years since the inception of club football at Xavier. Lot of hope, work and fun in the ensuing years. Sure wish it had turned out better as far as a stable program. Basketball is very good under Steele but fall s for football and sadly it will be quiet again at Xavier this autumn,. One hope is that at least with club alums, there will be a connection with Xavier football that extends beyond 1973.

We can only hope they decide the try again at some point.  It would be great to see football, even at the club level, back at X.

I recently spoke to Dan Deters about missing club football as I see him fairly often at the Hamilton County Courthouse. He was a very good receiver on the club team who really enjoyed the experience. One hopes the bonds formed by the club alums can someday soon lead to a push to revisit a team at Xavier.

Time will tell.


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